Blueskies Press


< Whether it's charming tales from life on the road,    or old Grampy making up preposterous possibilities, >     these books lift your mood and brighten our day.

Paperback or E-Book - get one or both from Amazon.

Fun and adventure!

Great fun to read aloud

For kids 5-9

Cross Canada hitchiking 10,000 kilometers in 1970 mixed in with tand make a similar trip 40 years later in a campervan.

Grampy loves to make up funny stories. If you are wondering where his mustache went be ready for some pretty far-fetched answers .

New Release !

Rupert Glengargle

March into the into audacious Happy Hour tales of the Life of Gnu. Polar bears, spaghetti guns, submarines, Brazzilians, and Glen Gargle. Here is a collection of outrageously, if somewhat embellished, hilarious stories that chronicle the army life of our steadfast solder Corporal Gnu.

Grab a libation and settle in for a journey with our Merry and Simple Foresters and the Royal Scotch and Water Regiment. All in a time before the great woke of today.

For grown ups

Life of Gnu